Message from the Universe


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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The 3 Secrets to Making Friends on the Road (or Anywhere!)

I have been traveling solo in my 17 foot Casita Travel Trailer for almost 4 months now. I left my community, family and friends behind in Denver to go on this epic life adventure. Would I be lonely? Would I meet people? How would I get my social needs met?

I have a pretty even balance of introvert and extrovert, with a slight leaning towards introvert... I must have solitude and alone time to ground and regenerate my energy. But what about my need for connection, community and meaningful conversation? I've discovered what works for me... and more importantly, what my purpose and goal is in engaging with others out in the world.

The Secret? 
...staying open to possibilities, being present to the moment, and most importantly, having a willingness to connect and join with another human from a place of curiosity, kindness, and acceptance.

1. Staying Open To Possibilities
I am (almost) always open to any possibility to engage with another. Since I never know when an opportunity may arise, I am intentional in leaving my heart open and being energetically inviting. I may feel inspired or moved to say something to someone I come across... or I try to remain aware of others initiating or reaching out to me.

2. Being Present To the Moment
Once a connection has been established, I put aside any thoughts or activities that I was engaged in, face the person, make eye contact, and give them my full and complete attention. I know that any interaction I have may last only a few moments, so I don't want to miss any opportunity to interact in a loving way.

3. Having the Willingness To Join
Most important of all is my willingness and commitment to see the sameness and commonality that joins me with all human beings everywhere! We all know how different we can be, but aside from the social conditioning we have received that constantly points out our differences (in often very judgmental ways), we are all far more the same than we are different! 

We all want to feel happy and safe. We all have people and/or pets in our life that we love. We all desire to be heard and acknowledged. We all want to be forgiven for our mistakes and to be treated with kindness and compassion.

 My purpose and my mission (I have come to discover) is to focus on hoI am the same as you. No matter how different we may think or believe, no matter how different our life circumstances are, no matter how differently we perceive the world, we are capable of finding ways to join in our oneness and overlook our differences.

I do this by being kind. I do this by being curious and interested in who you are. I do this by accepting you for who you are and not judging you. I do this by not taking things personally.

That is how we will heal humanity and create peace on earth. I cannot fix or control the insanity we all witness on this planet, but I can heal it in myself, cultivate my own peace, and then demonstrate and extend that into the world around me.

Will you join me in focusing on Unity? Will you join me in not automatically judging what we perceive as "wrong" or "different" in another? Will you join me in finding what we have in common? When we are judging or comparing ourselves to others, we are only hurting ourselves. We are free to choose what we focus on and miraculously shift the resulting reality we have in this human experience we call life.

That's how I make friends on the road! :)))


  1. Very well written blog, you are very perceptive and a caring person. Love your thoughts .......

  2. Great attitude for life. :)
    I hope my wife and I get the chance to meet up on the road.
    Peace, love and gratitude!

    1. Thank you! Yes, attitude is how we create our experience! Happy travels to you and your wife. :)

  3. I really enjoy following you along this epic journey. You're an inspiration to me!

    1. Thank you! I appreciate your encouragement! <3

  4. Insightful thoughts for our reflection and action. Beautifully written Zen.

  5. all I can think to say is right on you are exactly right on Thank you

  6. Nevadagirl wanderingDecember 27, 2017 at 7:03 AM

    Thank you, your words are well received as I sit on the top of the mountain unsure which way to go

    1. haha, that happens to me often. When I have no where to be, it's often challenging to know where to go!

  7. So many blessings to you as you journey your pathway, sprinkling peace blossoms along your path. You are a beautiful heart in this world, and I am so happy you are living your practice so intentionally.

    1. Thank you dear sister! I very much appreciate your love and support! <3

  8. For some strange reason, some of the reader comments were not posted here... the following few comments are copied and pasted from my email notifications..... :)

  9. Malia Lane has left a new comment on your post "The 3 Secrets to Making Friends on the Road (or An...":

    Right on. I have the same diverse needs for isolation and connection and have also found RVing can provide both when needed. Also, I've found RVers to basically be so friendly that you'll only be as lonely as you want to be and the slightest attempt to talk and befriend is usually met with acceptance. Glad I was able to hug you in person, too. :)

  10. cruiser has left a new comment on your post "The 3 Secrets to Making Friends on the Road (or An...":

    Being a solo myself, your words are inspiring. I like my alone time and time with my pets but also enjoy human interaction.

  11. Betty Adams has left a new comment on your post "The 3 Secrets to Making Friends on the Road (or An...":

    What a wonderful way to face life. I will soon be traveling solo and I hope that I also can live by your ideas and thoughts. I have met a lot of wonderful people in my life and hope to continue.

  12. Robert Ide has left a new comment on your post "The 3 Secrets to Making Friends on the Road (or An...":

    You have found the nomad balance quite quickly. Continue the journey

  13. I love your post. This is how I have been living my life the last year or so, and creating wonderful experiences - even if they lasted only a few moments. Namaste
