Message from the Universe


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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

My Life as a student of "A Course in Miracles"

My Course book

I have been a serious student of "A Course in Miracles" for about 5 years now. Before that, I dabbled in the Course, but it wasn't until I had a major healing with my son that I made the decision to dive in fully and completely! 

I have made a commitment to my connection with the Divine through this teaching, and I am getting results!! I had been a "seeker" for more than 15 years before this point and I felt helpless in the face of my many challenges... nothing seemed to work... until now.

The results I am achieving through my daily commitment and practice are nothing short of miraculous, but it takes vigilance and dedication to both study and apply the teaching, not just read and analyze it. It is my #1 priority. The Course promises that if I make my connection to God/Love my primary purpose, all my needs and wants will be taken care of! It's hard to believe at the level of the world, but I find that the more I take responsibility for my experience, the more peaceful and loving my life becomes!

Another one of the beautiful things about this spiritual thought system is that it does not claim to be superior to other paths...  it is, quite simply, for those people who resonate with it. It's okay for others to have different paths because we are all loved equally by Source no matter what "course" we are taking... and we are all waking up together as the "one mind".

I have started combining my photography with ideas and phrases from "A Course in Miracles" and sharing them on my Instagram and Facebook Hug Healer pages... I welcome you to connect with me as I expand my role as a teacher and demonstrator of Love!


  1. This is absolutely beautiful! I join with you in taking full responsibility for our experience. We have the power of decision, including making our life experience a peaceful one. I'm excited to share this journey with you! Peace and blessings to you. We are the same. I appreciate you for sharing ☺

    1. Thank you so much, JJ!!! I'm honored to have you as a mighty companion on this journey... deep appreciation and sisterhood! :)

  2. I Appreciate this post!

    You ate Blessing the world by dedicating your self to Love.

    I Partner with you in Advocating for Love, as Pioneers for a new Paradigm!

    You have the Authority!!!

    1. Thank you, Na'Im!! I appreciate you taking the time to support my endeavor to spread more Love in the world! Yes, we are Pioneers for a New Paradigm! :)))

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