Message from the Universe


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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Imagination Meditation

Affirmation: "I am open and receptive to all the GOOD & ABUNDANCE in the Universe."
Louise L. Hay ❤

Speaking affirmations is "the practice of positive thinking" in New Age terminology. In this regard, all we are doing is trying to convince ourselves of something we really don't believe!

To truly embody and experience a shift in perspective does not have anything to do with trying to trick ourselves into believing something we don't actually accept as true subconsciously. 

A much easier, authentic, and stress-free approach is to simply imagine what it might feel like to see things differently, while accepting and being honest about your doubts! 

I call this an "Imagination Meditation"

You can say to yourself: "Well, at some level I would like to believe that there is unlimited good and abundance in the universe, but right now that is not my experience in my life, and I probably have some blocks to being able to receive that.... but let me just imagine for a moment what it might feel like to REALLY trust and KNOW that it is true. I realize that there must be some people out there in the world who really do experience this level of trust.... what must it FEEL like to be them?"

Then simply imagine (for a moment) being someone who knows and lives and experiences (beyond the shadow of a doubt) the goodness and abundance that exists in the universe. Close your eyes. IMAGINE if it really was true. FEEL it in your body. PLAY with the idea of seeing things in a new and unfamiliar way. 

Can you feel yourself relax? Can you feel the muscles in your neck and shoulders release? Does your body automatically want to let out a deep sigh of relief? This is simply an exercise in imagination... a "trying on" of a new way of being and thinking... a respite into peace and trust... A way to practice positive thinking without the guilt!! Give it a try with anything you would like to see differently. :)

*~{{Sending HUGS of nurturing support in your efforts to relax into a journey of entering your imagination}}~*

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